Page updated: 2008.10.02.


Ebben az idõszakban jellemzõen kisfiókás korú, illetve nagyobb fiókákkal mozognak a tojók. Még mindig veszélyesek a mezõgazdasági munkák, mert sok fióka lelapul a veszély közeledtével, míg a tojó elmenekül.


Threatened eggs of Great Bustard rescued

This summer 46 threatened eggs of Great Bustard were rescued from nest by the conservation experts.

In most of the cases agricultural work is the threatening factor: machinery cuts down or smashes the nest, so the experts of the LIFE Programme for the conservation of Great Bustard communicate with the farmers intensively in the area of the known habitats, trying to involve them in the conservation of the species. They give stickers and leaflets with their contact details for the tractorists and farmers, so they can be alarmed immediately, when a nest is found during the work.
If the nest becomes unsafe, for example if the buffer zone left is not large enough, conservation experts replace the eggs with fake ones made of wood, and the real eggs are to be carried to the Great Bustard Conservation Centre in Dévaványa in mobile incubators.
This summer 13 chicks hatched form the eggs that were carried to the Centre, two of them
was put under a hen when they were almost hatched.
Some of this year’s chicks have already been released in the habitats nearby to the Centre.