After the Hungarian Natural History Museum, on the 30th of January, the travelling exhibition about the Great Bustard, within the framework of LIFE programme, opened in a new location: the Cultural Centre of Harta.
After the opening speech of the host, Gillich Péterné culture-organizer, dr. Árpád Kákonyi, authorized conservation assistant manager of Kiskunság National Park Directorate, said his welcoming words.
András Bankovics, leader of the LIFE programme introduced the main aims and results of the Programme, like the purchasing of 2000 hectare of fields, that are cultivated according to the ecological needs of the Great Bustard and the main egg- and nestsaving measures, which are performed in 9 sampling area of the Programme by conservation co-workers and farmers. As an answer for the questions of the audience, the display habits of the Great Bustard, the nest safeguard, the necessity of defence against predators, the Natura 2000 areas and the permanent bustard countings were discussed. As a success of the Programme, the Hungarian Great Bustard population has been increasing for three years, and on the basis of the synchronous counting, in the middle of January there were 1397 individuals, which is 12% more than in 2005.
The area of Harta and Dunapataj is a remarkably important winter resort of the Great Bustard population of the South Kiskunság. It is a refuge not only for individuals nesting here, but for birds nesting in other places, like Izsák, Orgovány and Soltszentimre. After the snowfall at the beginning of this January, local farmers cleaned the cca. 40 cm high snow from the rape fields, from where birds can pick up their winter feed. Collaborants of the Programme are very thankful for this.
The opening was followed by informal conversations, participants had the opportunity to have a look at the pieces of art about the Great Bustard and the LIFE Programme.