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Ebben az idõszakban jellemzõen kisfiókás korú, illetve nagyobb fiókákkal mozognak a tojók. Még mindig veszélyesek a mezõgazdasági munkák, mert sok fióka lelapul a veszély közeledtével, míg a tojó elmenekül. |
News |
Rape fields |
At the autumn times the great bustards forming even bigger groups and seeking for suitable overwinter areas.
Great bustard chicks before the wintertime |
The summer has been gone and the newborn great bustard chicks had to face with dry months. They who could survive till the middle of autumn they could have had a great chance to reach the adult years.
I't hasn't been known yet Hungarian great bustard in the British Museum. |
The British Museum's colleagues has found and interesting item in the recent past. The fridge of the institute's nature sciences branch's contained a great bustard. This bird specie is known by the nature protection agreements as an seriously endangered bird, which is protected in Hungary since 1970 and it is the symbol of our organisation the MME.
EU warning for the sake of the protection of wild birds |
Nature protection: European Commission takes legal action against Hungary among other 10 Member States over protected bird areas
The European Commission is taking legal action against 11 Member States for not designating sufficient Special Protected Areas for migratory and vulnerable wild bird species. This violates the EU's directive on the conservation of wild birds. The Commission is sending first written warnings to Hungary and eight other Member States
Hungarian conservation experts of Great Bustard help in Russia |
Is the export of chicks to England endangering the Russian population of Great Bustard? - one of the questions that had to be answered by great bustard conservation experts of MME (Hungarian Ornithological Society), who were requested to help the conservation work with their experiences in the region of Saratov, Russia by BirdLife International.
Luca, where can You be? |
Luca, the hen bustard equipped with a satellite transmitter in May, had a few days of recreation on a field nearby after the shock of being captured, and perhaps she took the case as an attack of a predator.
Luca has been outfitted with a radio transmitter |
It was the first time in Hungary that a hen bustard had been outfitted with a satellite transmitter by the experts of the LIFE Conservation Programme for Great Bustard and the Kiskunság National Park in the surroundings of the village Bugyi.